Fall Armyworm Monitoring and Early Warning System - FAO

The Fall Armyworm (FAW), or Spodoptera frugiperda, is an insect that is native to tropical and subtropical regions of the Americas. In the absence of natural control or good management, it can cause significant damage to crops. It prefers maize, but can feed on more than 80 additional species of crops, including rice, sorghum, millet, sugarcane, vegetable crops and cotton. FAW was first detected in Central and Western Africa in early 2016 and has quickly spread across virtually all of Sub-Saharan Africa. In July 2018 it was confirmed in India and Yemen. Because of trade and the moth's strong flying ability, it has the potential to spread further. Farmers will need great support through Integrated Pest Management to sustainability manage FAW in their cropping systems.
The FAMEWS Global Platform is an online resource for mapping data collected by the FAMEWS mobile app whenever fields are scouted or pheromone traps are checked for FAW. The platform provides a real-time situation overview with maps and analytics of FAW infestations at global, country and sub-country levels. The data and maps provide valuable insights on how FAW populations change over time with ecology in order to better understand its behaviour and guide best management practices.

Scouting Received
Number of Plants Daily

Scouting By Crop

Infestation by Stage

Infestation by Crop

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